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We are dedicated to offering low cost, 'solution focused' 1-1 therapy and coaching to 18-25 year olds and vulnerable groups. 

Helping people to take control of their own minds and reach their optimum health and potential.

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We use a combination of highly effective, solution focussed NLP, hypnotherapy and coaching techniques.

Routes for Change offers up to 6 sessions of low cost therapy for 18-25 year olds and vulnerable individuals either face-to-face or online. For more details on our low cost 1-1 therapy services, please click here

We also offer tailored workshops for groups such as educational establishments for 18-25 year olds and vulnerable groups such as refugees. For more information please click here

If you are interested in our services please email us at

Fees per session of individual therapy:

  • Unemployed sliding scale: £10- £20 

  • Working low-wage sliding scale: £20- £30

Please pay what you can within these price brackets. 

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