“After trying more conventional ways of therapy, the Routes for Change workshop was an excellent and enlightening programme. I was introduced to a variety of mindful and holistic techniques which look at the whole body rather than just the mind. During the day we were able to reflect on our current lifestyle, and the different guided practices that I experienced, from Yoga to Tapping, meant that I have been able to put these into practice more easily ever since."
-Lily, Age 19
“I found this course hugely beneficial, and would recommend it to anyone. It equipped me with the necessary skills to cope with feelings of anxiety through breathing and mindfulness, and put me back in control. Both trainers were very understanding and created a comfortable, safe space for the group to speak and learn together. The calming yoga was just lovely. Fantastic!”
-Jaz, Age 19
“I had such an amazing experience on the Routes for Change workshop. My mind was taken on an inspiring and enlightening journey from the comfort of my home. The exercises taught by Vic and Anthea were moving and captivating, and taught me so much about the inner workings of my mind, emotions and subconscious being. I will definitely take these teachings forward with me in both happy and difficult times.
I cannot recommend this workshop enough, it was truly eye opening, and I look forward to practicing in my own time, and progressing forward on my spiritual journey.”
-Emily, Age 23
“I wanted to get involved in the Routes for Change workshop, as I have previously struggled with anxiety and dealing with stress. These feelings have been very prominent recently when I finished my degree in lockdown, and have just started my first graduate job. Through this weekend workshop, Vic and Anthea showed us many differing techniques and information which will be extremely helpful in preventing stress, alongside providing immediate relief when in stressful situations themselves. Through varying techniques such as meditation, yoga and tapping to name a few, ‘Routes for Change’ allows individuals to truly mould coping mechanisms to their own individual preference. This aspect was rewarding, as an individual can explore for instance, the link between diet, stress and anxiety to a further extent, and broaden their knowledge to the level they wish.
The whole weekend was amazingly organised and offered a lot of information, which I can now take away and explore more of. Additionally, through the tools given to the group, extra resources were also sent to help us in the future. The warmth, kindness and friendliness of both Vic and Anthea really helped everyone feel at ease in the group, which made the experience incredibly calming. After completing ‘Routes for Change’ I felt calm, stress free and relaxed to an extent I have never experienced before. I cannot recommend this ‘Routes for Change’ workshop enough, as what I have gained from it will stay with me throughout my life in varying situations. I have adopted many techniques already into my daily life, which has really had a positive impact. Even through the workshop being held online, I felt this did not hinder the outcome in the slightest. I believe this resource will be incredibly useful to anyone facing any struggles at present or in the future. I cannot recommend this workshop more highly, as the results I gained are life changing and I will use these techniques throughout my life.”
-Sam, Age 23
"I am in my second year of university, and the pandemic has made university life very difficult. With nothing going how it should at the moment, I have found myself and my flatmates feeling anxious, low and struggling more than ever before. I not only found the course a meditative experience to reflect on myself and my feelings, but also a time to learn some coping mechanisms in moments of panic, or when I’m feeling hopeless.
I found that the visualisation techniques that were taught equipped me with the skills to feel more hopeful for the future, especially when times like these are tainted with such negativity. I also found the weekend itself a nice time to relax from work and rest my mind and body."
-Nadira, Age 19